Hillary Clinton Campaign Staffer On BLM Co-Founder’s Interview: ‘Yuck’

Sara Solow, a staff of the Hillary Clinton campaign responded to Black Lives Matter activist and co-founder Alicia Garzar’s interview, saying “yuck.”

Wikileaks’ release of thousands of emails from presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton’ campaign has revealed a lot to prove that the former first lady is rather unfit to run for the post as her pretense for caring for people of color has been exposed. In this case, a staffer from her campaign responded to an interview of Black Lives Matter Co-founder saying “yuck.” More on the matter are as follows:


In an email from January, a Clinton campaign staffer, domestic policy adviser Sara Solow, weighed in on an interview the New Yorker Radio Hour conducted that month with Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza. In response to the interview, in which Garza criticized Clinton’s demeanor in a meeting with Black Lives Matter activists, Solow had just one word: “yuck.”

The email is one of over 2,000 the controversial journalist organization WikiLeaks published earlier this month that were sent or received by Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta over the course of the 2016 campaign. Solow’s curt message was in reply to an email thread circulating around Clinton campaign staff with a transcript of Garza’s interview. Garza accused Clinton of being condescending and dismissive of the Black Lives Matter activists she spoke with during an August 2015 meeting. Clinton had told those activists that while they were concerned with winning hearts and minds, she had to concentrate on actual policy.

“No change in this country has ever happened merely by changing laws and it was disappointing, quite frankly, to hear former Secretary Clinton use that language because certainly an accurate view of history shows us that we are always in a dialectical relationship between changing culture, or changing hearts, and changing policy and that if we don’t do one the other one doesn’t happen … I also was really disappointed that she used, what I thought, was a fantastic opportunity to sit and really build with young black activists, who had come specifically to share their concerns with her — that she used that opportunity to almost shun them,” Garza said. “I’m not going to vote for Hillary Clinton. That’s where my stance is. And I’m not voting for any Republicans.” See more

The Washington Free Beacon

In an email, Clinton’s research director Tony Carrk asked his team to find the interview because “HRC said there was a segment with a woman from BLM who said HRC/WJC ruined black lives.”

Another staffer then sent a transcript of an interview on the New Yorker radio hour with Garza, who said Hillary “shunned and lectured” Black Lives Matter during a tense” meeting with the group in August 2015. At the end of the interview Garza said she would not vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election. A domestic policy adviser, Sara Solow, responded to the transcript saying, “yuck.”

Garza’s comments flagged by the campaign included assertions that Hillary Clinton was “defensive” and dismissive” of Black Lives Matter, and criticized the Clinton’s policies in the 1990s.

“I grew up in the era of mass incarceration,” Garza said. “In particular, we had being demonized and being seen as a drain on government resources, and, you know, former Secretary Clinton and her husband, former President Clinton, really removed this very robust agenda around criminalizing Black people and they did that in a couple of different ways.”

“One was by passing and championing this landmark three strikes legislation, which actually incarcerated more Black people than any other time in history, right,” she continued. “They also did something which was overwhelming, which was to dismantle states supports for families to be able to thrive or just at the very least survive, right. And they did that under this notion, right, that people were taking advantage of the system and that people are not redeemable.”

Garza said she would not vote for any Republican, or Hillary Clinton, and said she “absolutely” believes that African Americans “give away the vote too cheap.” See more

Several pieces of evidence from the leaked Podesta emails have proven that all Hillary Clinton has been saying or showing she is bothered about the Black community is an arrant façade. She and her people don’t have our issues at heart; they couldn’t care less about our well-being in the society. We shouldn’t be deceived by her pretense as all she has done is just to gain votes from us.

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