Black Lives Matter Struggle Must Be Relentlessly Pushed Harder

Solidarity among Blacks and Latinos can change the inhumane system

It may seem to be very obvious to the entire world that slavery and the annihilation of Blacks in America have ended or reduced to its lowest ebb. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case because slavery against humanity still exists in the United States.

There have been extensive and reckless murders of Blacks in America over the past years and to date. The murdering of African -Americans seems to be normal. Nothing realistic has been done to show the disapproval of the state in the senseless murder of Blacks.

Anti-Blackness, a notable system that eludes Blacks as the replica of death and humiliation has seen many Blacks slaughtered like sheep by cops. There hasn’t been any ideal policy to control this cruel system which equates Black life to death.

Unequivocally, African-Americans have been rendered a non-human status and our lives haven’t been insured against terror or injustice. Alas, the animals in America today have been insured and documented. Undocumented Blacks are not regarded as humans and do not exist.

Black and Latino communities are not protected by the common laws of America. Persons in such communities are regarded and treated as second class humans whose lives are not worth protecting. There is unemployment, poverty, mass incarceration, detention, and reckless murder, and poor health delivery, high illiteracy among others in all Black and Latino communities and this has seen no redress. There must be an ideal anti-Blackness policy that will seek to address all the humiliation meted on Blacks and Latinos.

This policy should be made legal and binding. Institutions should be charged with the duty to carry out the anti-Blackness policy. The lives of Blacks must be protected and respected. At least history has demonstrated that Blacks and Latinos have played a significant role in building America. This suggests that all persons must be given equal opportunities and treatment in America.

We further ask for unflinching unity and support among all Blacks and Latinos. The only way we can see changes is when we all push for the enactment of binding laws that will seek to protect the lives of all Americans irrespective of color and origin.

Institutions must be charged to carry out their responsibilities for the protection of the lives of all people. We must be politically active to send a nerve to the spine of the political institutions in America that Black Lives Matter and must be protected at all costs.

We must change the ugly system that just relates Black lives with death. We must be united in this struggle, let’s put all hands on deck in solidarity for the Black Lives Matter struggle.

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