Texas Teacher Fired After Abusing Little Black Kid

A Texas teacher was caught on video manhandling a young Black kid, which has led to him losing his job.

A behavior specialist at Snook Independent School in Texas has been in hot water after a video of him pushing and shoving a young Black kid went viral. The Texas teacher was fired by the school as soon as the video came to light. We have got more information on the issue from the following sources:


Bullying in schools is widespread and, in many cases, fatal. No surprise then that school can be a very traumatic experience for many students. The worst part is that students aren’t always to blame. Sometimes it’s the adults entrusted with their care causing the harm.

A horrifying video uploaded on Facebook shows a Texas teacher, later identified as Troy Vann, a behavior specialist, pushing a little child around in a classroom. The child whimpers “no” multiple times as Vann towers over him. See more


A teacher at a US primary school has been sacked after he was filmed shoving a five-year-old to the floor and racially abusing him.

In the footage, a male behavioral specialist can be seen physically picking up a small boy before slamming him down on a bean bag in the “cool down” room of a school in Snook, Texas.

“When I tell you to do something, you do it, boy,” the man tells the child as he shoves him into a small bean bag and pushes the boy’s head backwards.

“When I tell you to sit in that blue bean bag you do it. Now let’s try it again.”

The Texas teacher, who has since been identified as Troy Vann, then grabs the boy’s arm and yanks him to his feet. Read more

The Grio

The video shows a Snook Independent School District employee pushing the pre-K child repeatedly into a bean bag while mocking him.

The Burleson County Sheriff’s Office launched an investigation after the video went viral, and the Snook ISD identified the Texas teacher as Troy Vann, who they said no longer works for the district.

According to the district, Vann started working for them in August 2015, and there were no indications of misconduct prior to the video release. The video was posted to Facebook by the mother of the student who recorded it. Read more


After a concerned parent posted a video of a Snook Independent School District behavior specialist tossing a small boy into a classroom bean bag chair over and over again, the footage was shared thousands of times on Facebook, where many wondered what would happen to the employee if the footage was authentic.

Snook ISD, about 13 miles southwest of College Station, released a statement Oct. 15 announcing the Texas teacher had been fired and the district was working with law enforcement and the Texas Education Agency to look into the incident. The announcement came two days after the district was made aware of the incident by a student who saw what happened and reported Vann.

District Superintendent Brenda W. Krchnak said the behavior specialist “acted in an inappropriate manner when dealing with a young student.”

“The actions depicted in the video are not condoned or authorized in any way by the school,” Krchnak said.

“As Superintendent, I am ordering a review of Snook ISD faculty and staff use of discipline and restraint,” Krchnak said. “Our top priority is for our students to be treated in a safe and respectful manner when they are in our care.”

The child’s mother, Jessica Boson, told KVUE she cried after watching the video of her son and Vann.

“I was in disbelief because I had a phone call from the school saying it was a video, but it was nothing to worry about — they were just trying to get him to sit down,” Boson said. “And then, when I seen the actual video, tears flooded my eyes.” See more

The white Texas teacher wouldn’t have treated a white kid like that; that’s for sure as he knows the kind of problems he would have faced for manhandling a little white kid. The appalling treatment meted out to children of color by white teachers in schools has to stop.  According to a study, Black teachers have got a better rapport with students, pupils, and kids than white teachers. So, why not employ more Back teachers, instead of these racist whites, who’ll maltreat our kids?

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