Deputies Abandoned School Security Because Players Knelt During Anthem
Sep. 28,2016
Aug. 03,2016
Somervell County Sheriff’s Deputy William Cox walks as a free man after he carelessly shot up the Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Texas. The drunken white cop, who was aggrieved about the recent Dallas shooting by a Black man, also fired the police-issued gun into a residential neighborhood close to the church.
“My boys are getting killed in Dallas,” Cox said, as he sat in the parking lot of the church without wearing a shirt. Residents quickly placed a distress call to 911 to report the sound of gunshots in the neighborhood.
The police responding to the call arrived at the scene to find Cox sitting in the parking lot of the church. Upon his arrest, Cox admitted he committed the offense. The cop explained that he was pained by the killing of some Dallas police officers by Micah Johnson so he decided to relieve himself by shooting his police-issued pistol at the church and into the residential neighborhood. The gunshot damaged the church building and just by some good reason there were no black people around that time.
Cox was initially charged with deadly conduct and booked into Ellis County Jail by the Ovilla police, Fox4 reports. But on that same day, the pastor of the church signed an affidavit of non-prosecution which stated that he didn’t want to proceed with the prosecution of Deputy Cox. This lead to the release of the Somervell County Sheriff’s Deputy the very next day with all charges dropped and didn’t have to post any bail. Cox was a former worker at the Ellis County.
Patrick Wilson, an Ellis County District Attorney expressed disappointment in the turnout of events in Cox’s case in his interview with Fox4. He disclosed that the former Ellis County Jail worker was treated specially because he was an officer. He added that this kind of favoritism is the cause of the entire negative outlook towards officers across the country.
“This, in my mind, is a tremendous abuse of that discretion. And in today’s climate, it’s inexcusable; I cannot understand how these facts escape the narrative of favoritism,” Wilson cried out.
This awful discrimination must stop. A drunk white police officer shoots up a church and into a neighborhood and walks as a free man? Meanwhile, an unarmed Black person faces all forms of violence and brutality from the law enforcement even when he poses no danger at all. After all the threat this armed white cop posed, officers interacted with him politely and in the end let him go without any charges. This is a blue and a white privilege in one case.
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