Black Reparations: U.N. Panel Calls On America To Compensate Blacks

United Nations' Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, a Geneva based U.N. affiliate group has presented a report which highlighted the need for America to compensate African-Americans.

A United Nations panel has drawn America’s attention to the fact that they actually owe Blacks a compensation and an unqualified apology for all the inhuman practices they went through during the era of slavery. The report was presented by the United Nations’ Working Group of Experts on people of African Descent, a Geneva-based group which is associated with the U.N.

The highly recognized group is made of some of the best human rights lawyers from around the world and submits its reports to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Monday presentation by the group to the United Nations Human Rights Council brought to light the similarities between the current injustice practices administered to the Black community in America and the era of slavery.  “Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching,” the group stated.

The report further cited that “In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent.”

Moreover, the panel cautioned America against what they termed “impunity for state violence,” considering the recent police brutalities and killings of African-Americans. They then called on the country to address this menace urgently.

The findings of the group further revealed that the ideology of white supremacy is the reason for the tension between the American populace. This has prevented the ability for the citizens to live together amicably.

Furthermore, the group delved into the issue of extrajudicial murders. And the report further proved the fact that most perpetrators of crime against Black people are made to walk away free without any form of incrimination.

The United Nations’ Working Group of Experts on people of African Descent called for Black reparation. This they said could be in diverse forms such as educational opportunities, debt cancellation, financial support, health initiatives, among other means of reasonable compensation.

The Call for Black reparation is never out of place. The African-American populace deserves to be compensated for all the evil deeds unleashed on them. But sadly, this racial terrorism against Black people still continues in America. Blacks are still being killed and treated badly because of the color of their skin. White supremacy still exists in the U.S. system and it must be completely abolished. I think the best reparations for the African-Americans are to render an apology and put an end to this horror.

Please, also visit this page to sign the petition so that we could restore our rights and get compensation together with an apology for all the inhuman practices we faced then and now.

Source: Washington Post
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