Shameless White Cop Rapes Black Teen

There is a disgusting video circulating on the internet which shows an unidentified white cop rape a helpless Black teen.

A leaked video has found its way online which depicts one of the most shameful and abominable acts to be ever committed by anyone talk less of a law enforcement officer.

The video shows an unidentified white cop who sexually abused a helpless Black teen in what looks like a room. In the video, the girl could be seen trying to free herself as the irresponsible white cop forcefully held her down. The exact location of the incident is yet unknown.

Unfortunately, all those who had seen the video have not been able to either identify the cop or describe the exact location the incident happened.

We do not know yet what actually transpired between the two but nothing in this world will warrant a sexual assault; not to even mention the fact that the victim is a teen.

This kind of acts is highly intolerable! We pay the police to protect the law not to kill us and rape our daughters! We encourage police officials to join in this and maintain law and order in the country. The Black person doesn’t deserve to be treated as an object.

The search for the rapist white cop is still on! Please, also visit this page to sign the petition so that we could identify the rapist cop. We entreat all our readers to help us find the brutal offender.

Source: Mad World News
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