Call For Racial Justice: DeSean Jackson Puts Police Tape On His Cleats

The tension between police and the Black community continues to rise in the United States. The unwarranted violence against Black

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Black Celebrities: Jesse Williams Sheds Light On High Rate Of Black Students’ Arrests

Racial discrimination and profiling have been thorns in our skins for as long as one can remember. And the injustice

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Institutional Racism: Hundreds March And Protest In El-Cajon

Civil right leaders have rallied, protested and marched in the community of El-Cajon, following the video release of how Alfred

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Black Celebrities Add Their Voices: Call For An End To Police Brutalities

Multiple award-winning filmmaker, Ava DuVernay broke down when she heard news about Terence Crutcher’s death. Crutcher had been shot by

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