SURJ: Showing Up For Racial Justice

A national network of individuals and groups are organizing white people to stand for racial justice.

SURJ is a nationwide network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice. The group is doing a great job by breaking the white silence in our society. Through community organizing and education, SURJ urges white people to be a part of a multi-racial majority and make a stand on civil rights issues in our community.

Their vision is to bring absolute equality to people. That’s a really great course to take on in our present society, which is ruled by racial discrimination, oppression, racial profiling and the violence meted out on Black people by law enforcement officials. A society where we struggle together for justice, love and human dignity is what SURJ envisions.

Racism and oppression are important factors that hinder unity and peace. People of color struggle every day and live lives of risk today, bearing in mind the surging numbers of Black people killed by police officers for no just cause. A rare case among civil rights organizations, SURJ has decided to take the responsibility of white people to act and publicly confront manipulating racist fear practiced by the corporate elite of our society.

The group believes that communities of color are under attack. In a bid to continue to stand for racial justice by stemming the tide of hatred and violence, SURJ has taken to 5 communities that have seen cases of racial oppression and police brutality rise in the past few years. The group has created 5 different portals for these communities, asking people to support the struggles:

– Emergency support for Baton Rouge:

– Bond fund support for Charlotte:

– Petition campaign to call for justice for Tyre King in Columbus:

– Support for the camps organizing to stop the Dakota Pipeline:

– Pledge to take action in Terence Crutcher’s memory in Tulsa:

There’s the belief that these are just baby steps to achieving their main goal, which is kicking out racial injustice from the system. But the most important things are taking action and refusing to be silent. SURJ is fully capable of going this long way to making our society a better place for all.

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