No Charges For The Cop Who Caused The Death Of A 57-Year-Old Black Woman

White police officer won’t face charges, another blatant injustice.

White police officer, who handcuffed a black woman outside a Florida hospital where she died less than two hours later, walks a free man in blue with a badge and a gun.

The woman, Barbara Dawson, went to Liberty Calhoun Hospital complaining of breathing difficulties, but the hospital said that she was stable and released her. However, Dawson maintained that she was having issues and wanted to remain in the hospital.

Doctors’ report proved that all vitals tests were positive so that was hospital’s decision whether to admit her or not. Instead of listening to the patient’s complaint, they rather reported her to the police to be removed.

According to Blountstown Police Department chief Mark Mallory, the police were then called to remove Dawson, and she was arrested for disorderly conduct and trespassing.

However, Dawson, who was in handcuffs, collapsed after being removed from the hospital, and the officer, who arrested her, escorted her back there after her collapse.

“The most reasonable thing to do is to let her sit there and be able to settle down until she felt well. Instead, she is forcibly removed and put in cuffs,” Daryl Parks, Dawson’s legal representative, said. “The early facts of this case should cause a great concern for everyone.”

However, Glenn Hess, state attorney for Florida’s 14th District, says in a letter to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that Blountstown police Officer John Tadlock’s actions in the arrest of 57-year-old Barbara Dawson were “appropriate under the circumstances and there was no criminal law violation.”

This woman might have been going through some hell, which the doctor could not detect with his instruments. Nevertheless, she complained to the doctor, who chose to give a deaf ear and further reported her for trespassing. His inability to find some tangible facts about her complaint was not enough reason to do that. The policeman, who was to protect this woman’s life, eventually led her to her grave. How sad! This woman should be given real justice by the Justice Department. Her life was worth more than that.

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