Black Man Accidentally Shot Dead by Cop for Carjacking

The Los Angeles County Sheriff admitted Tuesday an African-American man shot dead by a deputy was not connected to a carjacking that led to the confrontation.

Here we are again, bearing witness to another death of an innocent African-American. It is very unfortunate the way the police, whom we are to entrust our lives into their hands rather become murderers.

On July 28, the news of controversial shootings went up by one. And this was the shooting of a 27-year-old Donnell Thompson. Donnell was gunned down by police for a mistaken identity of a ‘carjacker’.

The sheriff’s department said in a statement Tuesday that it had determined “that there is no evidence that Mr. Thompson was in the carjacked vehicle.” The admission prompted Thompson’s family to call the killing racially motivated and demand a public apology.

A resident of Los Angele’s Compton neighborhood had called 911 after finding Thompson lying in his yard, the sheriff’s department said, after deputies had already arrested the carjacking suspect nearby.

At the time of confrontation, one of Thompson’s hands was hidden from view and he failed to respond to numerous commands. The police department claim Donnell stood up and charged at them, one of them fired at him.

The video of the confrontation is inconclusive, according to Dawn Modkins of Black Lives Matter, who said that the family’s lawyers would decide when and if to release it. Modkins said police “riddled Thompson with rubber bullets” before fatally shooting him.

Modkin further agitated for the inception of a civilian oversight commission, adding: “Our police and our sheriff’s department can no longer be allowed to police themselves.”

Indeed shooting of African –Americans has become a police tradition and as we bear witnesses, victims were not “thugs” and that the police did a deliberate act of killing Thompson.

All Blacks definitely look like criminals to them, but they do not show any signs of remorse or willingness to change. It is worth self-securing one’s life and family. No wonder people have already picked up lessons to equip themselves in order to survive if stopped by police.

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