100 Alleged Police Misconduct Cases To Be Made Public

It took Chicago Police Department about a year to release shameful evidence.

In spite of all the upcoming reforms promised by widely criticized mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Police Department has recently been under fire in connection with extremely controversial officer involved shooting cases.

For example, the Department seems to have done its best to delay for a year the release of the video showing Officer Jason Van Dyke shooting an unarmed black teen.

Lots of similar cases and the increase in gun violence at last forced the officials from IPRA (Independent Police Review Authority) to launch investigations and open up the videos, reports and other recordings from about 100 cases of alleged police misconduct.

Besides, the agency decided to take a closer look at the cases connected with excessive force or verbal abuse, shootings and deaths in custody.

According to an anonymous official, familiar with the project, the data brought within reach will include recordings from dash cameras and body cameras, records of dispatch and 911 calls.

The release is expected within the week.

It’s not a secret to anyone that the mentioned sources will contain a lot of material related to the deaths and unauthorized arrests of black people. We sincerely hope that the data will get into the right hands which will help to curb police brutality, racial bias and impunity of the law enforcement and will bring about real reforms and comb-outs in the Chicago Police Department. It’s better late than never, you know!

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