Bernie Sanders Defeats Hillary Clinton In Wisconsin Primary

Sen. Bernie Sanders is gaining more and more momentum over Hillary Clinton, with another victory in Wisconsin.

Bernie Sanders defeated Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton in the Wisconsin primary on Tuesday. He beat her out by almost 7 points for another victory, and another chance at taking his campaign all the way to the Democratic National Convention in July 2016.

His victory was obvious, because he has won six of the last seven Democratic contests. Moreover, he led in every recent Democratic poll of the state. According to exit polling, 78% of Wisconsin Democrats wanted a candidate with experience.

If Hillary defeated Sanders in Wisconsin, he wouldn’t be propelled into the New York primary. The senator worked hard for this win.
Now he needs big delegate hauls, which will only come with large margins of victory.

Still there is a long way to go. Nevertheless, we have high hopes for the senator. He’s the only candidate, who really cares about black people.

He’s been fighting income inequality, providing health care, ending poverty, and pushing back against the Patriot Act and the Iraq War all his adult life. There’s no doubt that Bernie is concerned about issues that affect black communities more than Hillary.

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