White Ohio Ex-Con Threatens Black Family With Knife

A Cleveland ex-con, Henry Slapnik, was charged with hate crime after targeting 20-year-old black man, Timothy Stewart, with a knife.

According to reports, Timothy Stewart was paying a visit to his grandfather when a 54-year-old hopeless and intoxicated white neighbor approached him with a knife. Stewart explained that Henry Slapnik threatened to butcher him and his grandfather and called them racial slurs.

When police officers got at the scene, Slapnik told them that “has been here 10 years, they only been here one, the RNC will take care of them; Donald Trump will fix them because they are scared of Donald Trump.” 

Slapnik was arrested and charged with felony ethnic intimidation and assault. He will be appearing court Friday, June 24, for “five counts of misdemeanor aggravated menacing and criminal damaging”.

In the early 90s, the notorious criminal, Slapnik, was jailed for drug trafficking and theft.

Henry Slapnik is a typical example of white racist trash; these people are dangerous for the society. The community can only be safe if men like him are kept in confined places, where they can’t pose threat to black people as well as the community.

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