Black Teen Sentenced To 19 Years For Actions Led To Cop’s Death

A 19-year-old African-American, Marcell Dockery, was convicted of murder, and other charges for setting fire on a mattress in Brooklyn, NYC.

Marcell Dockery, a black New Yorker, was convicted on Tuesday, June 14, of second-degree murder, first-degree assault and fourth-degree arson for a fire incident, which occurred on April 6, 2014 that led to the death of a responding officer, Dennis Guerra.

Dockery was at first charged with reckless endangerment, arson and assault and faced 25 years in jail. But when Guerra later died in hospital from complications due to the smoke inhalation, he was again charged with second-degree murder.

Prosecutors portrayed the black teen to be a troubled son that showed no remorse for what happened. Although teen wasn’t intended to kill anyone, he just liked to watch flame and was young and inexperienced enough to set fire inside the apartment.

Dockery was given 19 years in jail while killer-cops leave court rooms as free men almost every week, which enlightens racial disparities in the criminal justice system.

People of color, more especially blacks, are likely to face harsh punishments than whites with the similar crimes. A similar example is the Stanford vs Brain Banks rape case, where a white rapist is sent to a six month on vacation in jail while a an innocent black man spends almost six years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit.

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