We Can All Be Supermen When It Comes To Changing the World

The fight for black rights seems to be ongoing in all parts of our life, including television, film industry, media, and literature. Comics as a form of art and literature reflect the fight for the rights of minorities. According to comics, we have had a series of victories recently. Jason Momoa starring in the new Aquaman movie, Tessa Thompson joining 'Thor: Ragnarok', Zendaya being in the ‘Spider-Man’ reboot are all the small victories for our Black community. However, there's still much to be done just like in the real life. This is what we are going to discuss with our guest, Jermaine Dickerson. Jermaine is an artist, graphic designer, and a dreamer who wants to change the world with the power of imagination.

Hello, Jermaine! It is a pleasure to have you sharing your opinion with me. I enjoy reading your twitter. My first question will be about comics. How do they influence your life? Does superheroics help you to express yourself and your views?
Jermaine Dickerson
Superheroes have been a part of my life for a long while. For a good part of my life, they served as both inspirational figures and role models. Comics provide a limitless amount of creative inspiration. They also provide (in many cases) a commentary on historical, cultural and societal relevance that help inform creative context.
It is true! I agree that comics like any other form of art reflect the real life. When you think this way, you understand why in the comics people of color had not been exposed until quite recently. I know that you support black rights both in comics and real life. However, many people and mass media claim that there’s nothing for us to fight against. There’s no racism they say. And it seems that this opinion is quite popular among politicians who choose to change nothing. What do you think about it?
Jermaine Dickerson
Racism is real. Period! And society as a whole needs to accept that. Denying this truth only perpetuates harmful behaviors. What’s most important, however, is that when we accept that racism is real, we have to work towards finding solutions. That’s when the real change begins. There is no absolute answer to the question why politicians choose to change nothing. Perhaps a general explanation would be as long as racism exists, political corruption will thrive. Meaning, the perpetuation of white supremacist ideals will always result in the unjust systems and practices. However, black Americans will continue to fight for our freedom to live, just as we’ve done for centuries.
If you think of the real life of an average Black person in our country, what would be the perfect example of the failed policies against black Americans?
Jermaine Dickerson
The degradation of black spaces is the result of negligence from an uncaring system that sees little value in black education, health, and lives. Even if we consider the racial disparities among poor black and white people, black people, overall, still face the most issues. The Flint water crisis is a perfect example of this: convenience takes precedence over the health of black lives, and poor people.
Do you think movements for black rights are strong enough in our country? What does being an activist mean to you? Do you consider yourself a black activist?
Jermaine Dickerson
There’s always room for growth with activism. Being an activist is about being mindful of intersections; knowing how to navigate certain spaces and being an ally in areas you have no perspective on is important. For example, as we’re fighting for black rights, we have to be aware of how this experience differs between black women, men, and black LGBTQ and disabled people.
I personally believe that Jermaine is real Superman changing the world around him with his creative power. Remember that each one of you is able to be a superhero when it comes to changing what you can’t accept. Jermaine does it with his art, Black Matters do it with our articles and events, and you can do it using your own power. The goal is to make a Black life matter in America!
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