Cop Accused Of Beating Black Teen And Demanding Video To Be Deleted

White police officer, Jeff Maciocha, is criticized after attacking a black teen for not having a pass to the school’s bathroom on May 5, 2016.

Philadelphia Students Union (PSU) brings accusations against an officer not only for brutal attack on the black student, Brian Burney, but also for demanding to delete the video of the incident made by a witness.

Burney, a senior student at Benjamin Franklin High School, was trying to use the bathroom when the local officer stopped him for not having a pass. According to the Union’s statement the boy got upset and threw the orange in the wall, which led to the argument between him and police officer.

“[Maciocha] retaliated by punching him twice in the face, slamming him down and began choking him. Many students gathered around and yelled at the officer to get off of Brian,” said in the statement. “Another student at the school began recording Brian, who was in a chokehold. While recording the video, the student was told to delete the footage or be at risk of arrest.”

During the incident one of the students tried to record the assault but when the officer noticed it, he demanded to delete the video, as it was immediately done by an unnamed teacher.

The Union, however, published the short footage of the incident, demonstrating the officer using “restraining hold” against the boy.

It is heart-breaking to see police brutality occurring all across the country, and it is even sadder when this is done against vulnerable teens.

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