Freddie Gray Case Trials Resume After Months Of Delay

Trials against officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray resume Thursday, May 12, starting with Edward Nero after 5 months of delay.

Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man, was arrested by Baltimore police officers for allegedly having a switchblade. He was beaten to coma while being transported in a police van and later died due to injuries obtained in spinal cord.

Officer Edward Nero, one of the six police officers who were involved in Gray’s death, faces charges of assault, reckless endangerment and misconduct in office.

Nero and two other officers, who also face the same charges, have all pleaded not guilty.  Officer Nero’s trial, which was set for Wednesday, has been postponed to Thursday, May 12 and he has chosen to stand a bench trial on Thursday, meaning his case will be examined by a judge rather than a jury, likely focusing on technical legal arguments.

According to attorney Warren Alperstein, the defense will probably argue that Nero and his squad acted within a law that permits police officers to chase, detain and pat down suspects who run away from law enforcement.

It’s my belief a judge is better equipped to apply what amounts to be fairly technical and complex law than a jury would be able to do,” Alperstein noted.

After months of compiling evidence on Gray’s case, what will be the judge’s final decision? An innocent black man was illegally stopped and murdered by police officers over a year ago and still no justice to be served.

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