Cop Attacks Innocent Bystander With K-9

A viral Facebook video shows how an innocent black bystander was attacked by a K-9 dog in a crowd of residents due to an incompetent attitude of a police officer.

An innocent bystander, Rafer Allen, a black Virginia man was attacked by a K-9 police dog on Saturday after officers were trying to apprehend a drug dealer suspect in an apartment complex, Atlanta BlackStar reported.

According to reports by Petersburg, Virginia-based news outlets NBC 12, the innocent victim was helpless in trying to secure himself from the dangerous acts of the K-9 dog. Due to the dreadful situation, other bystanders with their children tried escaping being attacked also.

“I stood there like, ‘I’m going to take the bite. I don’t got no other choice,’ ” Allen told the news reporter. “ ‘I’m not about to run. He’s too close up on me.’ ”

According to Allen, the officer had to choke the dog before he could get it off him and that he appeared not to have control over the dog.

“Why do you have to do all that if it’s your dog and you’ve had it for decades?” he asked.

However, police brutality is a common thing that doesn’t surprise anyone anymore, because it’s as if that is what they are trained for. This is really awful. This tragic accident shows that white police officers use the same methods and have the same attitudes towards black Americans decades ago.

An internal investigation has been launched into the incident by the Petersburg Police Department.

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