South Carolina Sheriff Says NAACP Is As Racist As The KKK

“…They don’t do the NAACP because I feel like that is a racist group as well as the KKK,” says Sheriff Chuck Wright of Spartanburg County.

Earlier this month, South Carolina Sheriff Chuck Wright gave a “short-sighted, racially insensitive and ignorant” comment, at a meeting held in Greenville-Spartanburg, about people of minority, referring to them as “the most racist people in America”.

Thinking about the history, mission and aim of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Sheriff Wright decided that they are as racist as the white supremacist group, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), which is known to have lynched over 4,000 innocent black men and women between the 1870s and 1950s.

NAACP’s mission is “to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of United States and eliminate race prejudice”. What’s KKK’s mission? To purify America and restore the traditional white Protestant way of life? Yes, that’s it. And so how could Wright compare the two unlike charges to be one.

After receiving series of criticism from media and officials, Wright modified his statement by saying that some people who claim to be with the NAACP are “sometimes racist.”

How can the minority be racist like KKK? Black people every day try to balance racial inequality when white people continue to enslave and discriminate people of color. NAACP has never tried to kill people just because they are white, they advocate for the rights of minorities in the society.

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