Trials In Freddie Gray Case To Resume In May

The trials of the six officers who were involved in the fatal death of the 25-year-old black man of Baltimore, Freddie Gray will be resumed in May.

Today marks a year of the sudden death of the Baltimore resident, Freddie Gray, who the police arrested and later died in the hospital due to a mysterious conspiracy that happened in the van he was conveyed with.

The case has been on hold for months since Officer William Porter was ordered by the prosecutors to testify against his fellow officers when called as a witness. Officer Edward M. Nero, who was one of those who arrested Gray, starts his trial on May 10. June 6, is set for the driver of the van, Officer Caesar R. Goodson Jr., by which all the conspiracy which led to Gray’s death happened in his hand. All other officers will be prosecuted as scheduled by the jury.

Gray’s death is considered one of the most unfortunate and very resonant. For some period of months, 6 officers have undergone court trials prior to his death, yet there haven’t been fruitful results. None of the officers have been convicted yet. The case is been dragged out and court tries anyhow to blanch over police officers.

All hopes are high at this point, where the trials are set to begin once more. We hope prosecutors will be effective this time and justice will be attained for the deceased and the family.

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