Four 6th Graders In Amherst Pen Poignant Letter To President Obama About #Blacklivesmatter And Police Brutality

“The movement started because of the death of Trayvon Martin, and gained momentum with the murders of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice.”

A group of African-American 6th graders at Wildwood Elementary school in Amherst, Massachusetts are making the headlines after writing an open letter to President Obama.

Elementary school teacher Chris Eggmeir gave his students a simple but important assignment to find a problem in the world and try to find viable solutions for that problem.

Four students, Phoenix, Zayd, Bryson, and Keidy inspired by the message of the Black Lives Matter movement decided to do a project on the organization by writing a letter to president Obama on the bleak fate of African American youth today.

Their brilliant draft was edited by a school office paraprofessional Mtalia William Banda, who later shared it on his personal website.

After doing some research, the astute young men began their piece by emphasizing the need for law enforcement to treat everyone equally, and continued as follows:

“Black Lives Matter movement started because of the death of Trayvon Martin. The movement gained momentum with the murders of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice. There were reasons those people were killed but it wasn’t worth being killed over. Police shouldn’t be killing unarmed African-Americans, but some people take this movement in the wrong way by thinking that they are just saying that only Black Lives Matter but no, we are saying that Black lives matter too, which means all lives matter. Whites are treated like they matter by the police. For instance, one in three Black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime. African-Americans were twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police. This shows that Blacks are treated unfairly. This movement advocates for our rights.”

The letter was sent to the White House by both mail and email. However, the president is yet to respond.

Given the alarming rate, at which black people are killed by police officers and mysteriously die in suspicious ways in jails, these young men’s move was a very brave step in addressing police brutality and the misconceptions about the Black Lives Matter movement.

The urgency of fixing our nation’s racial discrimination crisis is highlighted by the fact that even though these boys are just school kids, they have vast knowledge about the effects of racism on their community and feel the need to speak out about it.

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