Ohio judge on Wednesday ordered for a medical record of a black man who was fatally shot by a police officer from the Cincinnati University last year during a traffic stop.

A 43-year-old Samuel DuBose was shot at a traffic stop by former officer Ray Tensing on July, 19. Megan Shanahan, Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge, granted officer Ray Tensing’s Attorney, Stew Matthew the request of seeing the medical records of the deceased including the treatment for July 3-7 in 2015.

According to Reuters, Samuel DuBose was pulled over by the former Cincinnati University officer during a traffic stop because his front license plate was not on his vehicle. DuBose, who didn’t heed the officer’s order and drove away, was shot in the head. Tensing’s Attorney believes that DuBose was mentally disordered during that period hence requests for the medical reports.

Ex-officer said DuBose prevented him from opening the door of his vehicle and quickly took off. According to Matthew, Tensing was afraid of being dragged under the car when DuBose took off, so he opened fire.

This case is not an exception from how police officers take laws into their hands and fire their weapons. This was a totally preventable situation, but Tensing happened to be one of the lots who cannot control their egos on abusive usage of weapons. The request for DuBose’s medical report is just a means of obstruction. Justice should take its course.

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