Black Cops Kill Black Men – Who’s To Blame?
This week the trial for Dominique Heaggan-Brown, one of the Black cops, who don't spare the lives of their brothers and sisters, is to begin.
When white cops shoot Black men we can speak about racially motivated crimes, but what is it, when Black cops shoot Black men?
Last year Dominique Heaggan-Brown shot and killed Sylville Smith, 23.
Smith was not an angel, neither was Heaggan-Brown, who shot Smith first to make him drop the gun. This week the jury has to decide whether he had the reason to make the second shot targeting the chest of the already unarmed Smith.
Smith’ death sparked riots and public outrage. Heagann-Brown was fired soon after the murder due to unrelated sexual assault charges.
The thing is that before sexually assaulting his victim the criminal cop said he could do anything he wanted “without repercussions” and that’s the position of all the cops. It turns them into violent monsters no matter what color their skin is.