Historically Black Colleges Aren’t About Stereotypes

American HBCUs offer a real Black experience which builds character and shapes vision.

Most people have belittled the historically Black colleges to be very stereotypical. Their public display of ignorance about the qualities of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) has necessitated the need to enlighten our readers about the true values these places adhere to.

The experience attained from American colleges and universities which are predominantly Black cannot be narrowed down to a way of talking, the style of the hair or the kind of food typically preferred. All these factors do not define the Black college experience.

The uniqueness of HBCUs is not in the phenomenon of their heterogeneity but rather in their ability to offer a holistic education to African- Americans. HBCUs embrace diversity and redefine Blackness in the eyes of society. This is the reason they have become the destination for most students who want to be educated in the right environment.

Moreover, HBCUs help boost the confidence and open the minds of Black women. The unique experience of Black college provides students the opportunity to have a feel of real students’ life. These institutions encourage and prepare their members  to take up responsibilities and succeed in fulfilling them. They also provide extra curriculum activities allowing students to discover and develop their talents, making them relevant to the society.

It will be erroneous for anyone to tag American colleges as a place for stereotyping. The Black college experience is much more than rallying in support for a Black students’ association. HBCU is a place where students gain a wider understanding about life while accepting all from diverse backgrounds. This Black college experience constitutes the totality of the Black personality. It is dedicated to shaping the values and aims of its students.

In these universities, youth gain a wider understanding of  life while accepting information from diverse backgrounds.  Thus Blackness stops being a stereotype. A good school is one that is filled with an atmosphere of encouragement and acceptability.

A good school is one that is filled with the atmosphere of encouragement and acceptability.

Source: The Huffington Post

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