HBCU’s See Rise In Student Enrollment Amid Racial Tension

In the wake of the recent racial apprehension in America, student enrollment at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU’s) have increased tremendously.

From the past year, the country has experienced one of the most rampant demonstrations on campuses arising from various racial issues. Coexistence between the various races in America has been questionable; especially considering the racial abuses Black people are subjected to.

A survey by the Insider Higher Ed on some colleges and universities revealed that the inter-racial relations on campuses were much better in 2015-2016.

This situation has led to a turnaround in the enrollment of historically Black colleges and universities. Walter M. Kimbrough, Dillard University’s president sought to provide answers to the sudden numeric increase in student population of HBCU’s. He made some sound conclusions in his write-up entitled, “Where are all the Black college faculty?”

In the introduction of his write-up he wrote, “As we begin a new academic year, many colleges and universities find themselves with heightened sensitivity around issues of race. Led by the unrest last year at the University of Missouri, dozens of campuses from coast to coast saw protests as students of color, particularly black students reached a collective breaking point.”

Kimbrough cited the Missouri University’s uprising as a motivating factor for the other Black students on the various campuses to also call for an affable environment in school.

The president of Dillard University further stated in his write-up that, there was the need for parents and students to reconsider their decision to enroll in a college or university. “If learning from black faculty is important, going to a place where they are less than 5 percent makes little sense. If a curriculum that uses diverse points of view is a factor, attending an institution driven by the Great Books will create disappointment. If having a residential experience with students who look like you is important, attending a school where you see more black students on brochures than on a campus tour is a recipe for problems,” Walter M. Kimbrough wrote.

He also cited many HBCUs having witnessed a rise in enrollment this year. Some of the schools mentioned in his article were Shaw University with 49% increase in enrollment, 39% for South Carolina State, 32% for Tuskegee University among several others.

Kimbrough quickly added that the revived interest in HBCUs is a step in the right direction. He also mentioned that such schools have served as the educational and spiritual pivot for America’s civil rights heroes.

The campaign for the patronage of HBCUs is in no way a recipe for racial segregation but to further enhance the Black people’s confidence and to study in a more comfortable and accommodating environment, since in such schools, they wouldn’t have to deal with various racist abuses or segregation. If the whites can’t accept them, their own will, period!

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Source: The Washington Post
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