12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Murdered By Police Commemorated On Pokémon Go

The location where Tamir Rice was shot and killed by a Cleveland cop is now a “Pokéstop” in Pokémon Go.

The new update in Pokémon Go, a popular free-to-play location-based and augmented reality game, now memorializes Tamir Rice, a poor little boy, who was fatally shot by Officer Timothy Loehmann for playing with a toy gun in a park on November 22, 2014.

One can use the Pokéstop to get information and historical facts about locations and the Cudell Gazebo where Rice was shot.

Pokémon Go now describes the shooting scene as a “Community memorial for Tamir Rice, shot and killed by CPD officers who shot him in under 2s after breaking department policy regarding escalation of force”, which contradicts what a Cuyahoga County prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty said in 2015 about the incident and what made Officer Loehmann go scot-free.

McGinty said that Loehmann had every reason to shoot the Black teen because he feared for his life. This excuse has become extremely popular among killer cops ever since.

Pokémon Go developers have made a special mark in the memory of Tamir Rice in the game; there, if you come across the scene, you can read more about the tragic events that occurred there.

The act of the developers is rather surprising and brave especially because it contradicts the position of the official authorities. Moreover, the plan to make the Cudell Gazebo a memorial has not been accepted yet.

For so long the community has been lied to about what really happens around, but we hope that one day the virtual memorial in the Cudell Gazebo will become real. Black people need their memorials too.

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