Former KKK Leader Joins Race For U.S Senate Seat in Louisiana

David Duke, ex-leader of the hate group Ku Klux Klan (KKK) on Friday made a public declaration of his intention to run for a U.S Senate seat in Louisiana.

The former leader of KKK made this announcement through his youtube account. In his post, he said, “After the great outpouring of overwhelming support, I’m proud to announce my candidacy for United States Senate.”

Duke’s intention to run for a Senate seat comes at a time when Louisiana is faced with heightened racial apprehension after the recent killing of Alton Sterling by the police.

The Hill reported that the ex-KKK leader had previously failed in his bid to run for the Senate, House and governor position of Louisiana in the 1990s. According to the Associated Press, Duke was convicted in 2002 and spent a year behind bars in the federal prison. He pleaded guilty to bilking his supporters and cheating on his taxes.

KKK is a terrorist hate group and Duke further proved that when he reinstated the very obvious fact about his racist nature by saying that, “I believe in equal rights for all and respect for all Americans. However, what makes me different is I also demand respect for the rights and the heritage of European Americans.” It is clear that Duke can not to seem to even hide his dream of seeing the continuous supremacy of white Americans. If he truly stands for the equality of all Americans, then why should the demand for the rights and respect of European Americans make him a special and unique candidate? Don’t they form part of “all Americans” he referred to in his statement?

But how can a convicted felon and former hate group leader even run for a seat in the U.S Senate? This is totally unacceptable and no one needs to support him and his barbaric intentions. America needs healing from it wounds caused by racial segregation and injustice. The country needs a unifier, not a divider, a racist or terrorist hate group leader.

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