Obama Sides With Cops After Recent Attacks

“Our nation grieves alongside you. ….We Have Your Backs”, says president Obama to police officers after Dallas and Baton Rouge attack.

In response to the recent Dallas and Baton Rouge fatal shootings of eight police officers, President Obama has assured law enforcement officials that the government supports them and will make sure that they are safe while serving and protecting the country at all cost.

In an open letter to law enforcement published on Monday, July 18, Obama expressed sympathy and mentioned how grateful the citizens are to law enforcement for risking their lives to maintain peace in our communities.

“Just as your tight-knit law enforcement family feels the recent losses to your core, our nation grieves alongside you,” the President wrote in the open letter. “Thank you for your courageous service. We have your backs,” he wrote.

All that would be just an official expression of sympathy but for some extremely significant facts.

The fatal shooting of five Dallas police officers took place at the end of a peaceful protest following the brutal killings of two innocent Black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Obama and many other politicians watch Black people die every day at the hands of brutal police, but they have never cared about them too much. Has any of them ever expressed sympathy or promised to protect the families of the victims of unjustified police shootings?

Obama defines all cops in general as heroes and promises to protect them no matter what, forgetting that there are murderers amongst them.

The president’s obligation is to care about all citizens equally, so instead of giving support to police officers that will continue to murder people of color, the president and his cabinet should better implement policies that discipline cops and bring peace to everyone.

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