Atlanta Is Among Top Cities In Child Sex Trafficking

Child sex trafficking has become one of the fastest growing criminal trade in major cities like Atlanta.

After an investigation by the FBI, Atlanta was found to be among the top states highly involved in sex trafficking of young black pre-teen girls. Because of the jam-packed entertainment and business centers, the city became a perfect host for child molesters.

A public health study revealed that black girls between the ages of 12 and 13 were the most targeted in Atlanta.  The city had a chain underground network of escort agencies, strip clubs that harbored underage girls for prostitution. And most of those sex crimes occurred in areas that were socioeconomically disadvantaged.

Dr. Ann Cale Kruger, a developmental psychologist at Georgia State University, explained in a phone interview that, “These are children who have either been snatched, abducted or lured or have been runaways and then find themselves in an unplanned, unintentional and horrific nightmare of being unable to leave — being basically enslaved.”

What is more disappointing is the fact that majority of the busy-sex-trade centers are clustered around Atlanta’s public schools.

Such phenomena as child prostitution and trafficking are supposed to be attributes of only third world countries that lack the slightest hint of democracy or ruled by military juntas and tyrants. But instead, cities like Atlanta are the ones making a fortune out of these crimes.

Some of these girls left their home lands to look for a safe haven, but the U.S. they were dreaming about turns out to be the hell on earth.

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