Rampant Police Crimes In States

At least 3 cops are being arrested everyday and over 1,100 each year, a new study reveals.

The Bowling Green State University researchers on police criminal activities show that at least three law enforcement officer are arrested each day for crimes such as simple and aggravated assaults, drunken driving and rape. The study explains that “about 72 percent of officers charged are convicted, more than 40 percent of the crimes are committed on duty, and nearly 95 percent of the officers charged are men.”

The research titled Police Integrity Lost: A Study of Law Enforcement Officers Arrested analyzed police criminal records from 2005 through 2011 and found out that about 60 percent of over 6700 police crimes was carried out while “technically” off-duty.

The study gives “information on the types of crime that are most frequently perpetrated by police officers” and “the relationship between police crimes and other types of behavior that collectively comprise the problem officer.” It also provides a “nationwide data on police crimes and the manner in which arrested officers are organizationally sanctioned and comparison for law enforcement agencies that confront these problems, as well as information on the degree to which law enforcement agencies tend to sanction or ignore certain crimes committed by officers.”

Imagine 422 innocent women and children raped by officers and hundreds of citizens murdered or brutalized and these crimes continue to skyrocket without measures.

What is more concerning is that most of these police officers are not held responsible for their actions; hence they continue to brutalize citizens, most of which are blacks.

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