NYPD Cop Pulls A Gun On Black Cyclist In Fender-Bender

A 21-year-old black cyclist plans to sue a white NYPD police officer for threatening his life by pointing a gun at him during a fender-bender.

A video posted online over the week shows a white off-duty New York police officer, Sgt. Gregory Abbott, pointing a gun at a black bicycle messenger, Dejaune Jones, during a confrontation.

On Monday afternoon, June 13, the Sgt. Gregory Abbott alleged that Jones hit his vehicle’s side-view mirror and got back to take out something that looked like a gun.

The officer immediately pointed a gun at the black cyclist, although Jones said he had never even had a gun not to talk about taking it out. He explained that he had been trying to pick up his Allen keys that fell from his pocket, which he uses to adjust his bicycle. However these keys apparently made the officer feel extremely threatened.

Jones said that the plainclothes officer did not identify himself as a police officer when he asked him to drop down what he was holding. At some point in time, the officer, trying to joke, said,  “Let me know when I’m on WorldStarHipHop,” a website that posts videos about police assaults and violence.

The NYPD spokesman Stephen Davis said Tuesday, June 14, that the “incident remains an active investigation”.

One question in mind is that what if Jones was white; would Officer Abbott have pulled a gun on him? Definitely not, but a black man is always a target because of racist instincts, it’s just the character of police in AmeriKKKa.

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