All Charges Against Black Mailman Arrested By NYPD Will Be Dropped

“In the interest of justice, I asked the court to dismiss the disorderly conduct charge,” Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson said in a statement.

As mentioned in our earlier post, 4 NYPD cops brutally arrested a mailman while on-duty. The 27-year-old, Glen Grays, was charged with disorderly conduct on March 17 and a video was recorded by bystanders who feared for his life.

The Brooklyn District Attorney on Thursday declared their intention to drop charges against him. “In the interest of justice, I asked the court to dismiss the disorderly conduct charge,” Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson said in a statement.

This is good news for the black community and to the family of Grays. His attorney, Kenneth E. Ramseur, expressed that the court’s decision was a “big relief” to his client.

“They came up with the proper administration of justice,” he said.

Now, Ramseur said Grays will consider what other methods of “legal redress” are available, but would not say for sure if his client will pursue civil action against the department over the arrest.

Meanwhile, the NYPD lieutenant who oversaw the arrest “has been stripped of his gun and badge and four officers present at the time were removed from their posts as the department investigates,” the report says.

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