Black Man Jailed Over 25 Years Has Been Released After DNA Technology Proved His Innocence

After 25 years officials decide to make DNA analysis to check if 63-year-old African-American, Darryl Pinkins, was actually guilty.

Pinkins was convicted and jailed sometime in May 1991, two years after he was accused of a rape. His case was later handled by a team from the Idaho and Indiana Innocence Projects, as well as Indiana University Law School professors, in 2007.

The team used a DNA technology called TrueAllele, which was recently invented, to prove that Pinkins was indeed innocent.

This technology holds the key not just to answering complex DNA problems, but the literal key to freedom for men like Daryl Pinkins and Roosevelt Glenn,” said Greg Hampikian, Idaho Innocence Project director.

After over two decades of living in a dark world full of terror, Pinkins finally walked out of the Lake County jail on Monday April 25, 2016.  “It feels like this day was – was meant to be. And I know it was,” he told ABC7. Pinkins was immediately released without any trials as the evidence shows clearly that he wasn’t even at the scene where the woman was raped.

A family man lost half of his career life in prison and therefore he needs to be compensated for all of those 25 years he spent. All the time he has been claiming that he was not guilty. Officials could have still proved his innocence, yet they kept him in prison and never cared about him.

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