Angela Davis on Ferguson, Palestine & the Foundations of a Movement

In a Women’s History Month special, we speak with Angela Davis, activist, scholar and author of "Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement."

Angela Davies, who happens to be a professor emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and an activist, was hosted by Amy Goodman on a TV show prior to special Women History Month. Angela in the interview aired her view on protest and other issues related to excessive ongoing police brutality.

Angela is the author of a latest book titled “Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement.” In the interview, Amy asked Angela about her newly released.

Angela started by saying, “oftentimes there are historical conjunctures that one cannot necessarily predict, but they’re moments when things come together in such a way that new possibilities arrive. And I think that when the Ferguson protesters refused to go home after protesting for two or three days, when they insisted on continuing that protest, and when they were—when Palestine activists, Palestinian activists in Palestine, were the first to actually tweet solidarity and support for them that opened up a whole new realm.”

She explained further in the video below. Take a look at it as she explains vividly.



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