Philadelphia Children Protest Against Police Brutality

Children in Philadelphia took to the streets expressing their rage against rampant killing of civilians by the police.

Karen Falcon, the president of the Jubilee school in Philadelphia, feels that little attention has been given by the city and the city Police Department to the problem of police misconduct despite numerous protests. So the children protest came up as a result of her initiative to attract officials’ attention.

Students in Philadelphia from different schools converged in a march at the Art Museum to City Hall to create the awareness to the excessive life taking by the police in the city and nationally.

For the past months, viral video featuring the murder of Black and Brown color by the police sparked national outrage. Civilians are calling for redefinition of police duties and several options to curtail questionable deaths.

Police brutality and the use of excessive force by Philadelphia police recently are beyond imagination. Officer Jonathan Josey, who punched Aida Guzman, said he did not intend to do this, but the video proved otherwise. It’s evident that there is a need of body cam usage in order to ease the way of providing evidence.

Children in Philadelphia are seeking for transparency in the work of the police force. “We have students that have parents who are police. We stress that this is not all about all police,” Karen said.

A 9-year-old- boy told the press his reason for marching. Jabril Nuriddin said “I am marching because many people have died innocent just because of their either colored or the cop just thought it was suspicious and didn’t know what was really going on.”

Since there was a positive outcome of the march, officials have decided to make it an annual program.

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