Ice Cube To Appear On Bill Maher’s Show To Discuss The N-Word

Ice Cube will confront Bill Maher for his usage of the n-word on the show

Although Ice Cube was scheduled to appear on Real Time With Bill Maherthis Friday before Bill Maher poorly dropped the n-word during last Friday’s show, Cube says he’s not canceling and will appear solely to discuss the corpse-looking commentator’s use of the word.

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) was supposed to appear, too, but canceled. “What Bill Maher said was inappropriate and offensive, which is why he made the decision not to appear on the next episode of Real Time,”a rep for Franken told the New York Times on Monday. “He was glad to see Bill, who the senator considers to be a good friend, apologize and express sincere regret for his comment.”


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