Black Men At Work

Black men become victims of racism at work not less than Black women.

Today many Black women spoke out about the racially motivated attitude they cope with at work. But what about Black men? They are in exactly the same situation and in most cases, their bosses deny the fact of such attitude and try to shift the blame to the employee as it recently happened in Tesla.

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DeWitt Lambert, a black, 44-year-old electrician, moved to California after he got what he thought to be a “dream job” on Tesla’s assembly line in Fremont. But instead, he had to work 12-hour shifts for 6-days per week and was subjected to quite nasty harassment and racially objectionable treatment. His colleagues openly discussed the size of his penis, threatened him,  and one of them tried to put a drill gun into his rear end.


In the fall of 2015, factory workers got ahold of Lambert’s cell phone and secretly recorded a video. “N***** we take your ass home, n*****,” one of the employees can be heard saying. “Shred you up in pieces, n*****. Cut you up, n*****. Send your ass home so everybody can have a piece of you, n*****.”  The administration of the company disregarded all Lambert’s complaints, accused him of being violent and fired him.



It doesn’t matter whom we discuss, Black men or women, the main problem connected with racism at work is the desire of the company management to silence the victim and pretend that everything is ok. Now, this form of bigotry has spread throughout the country and will devour it if not properly addressed.


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