Tamron Hall Leaves Today Show Declining Multimillion Deal At NBC News

Tamron Hall quits over Megyn Kelly, who will launch her own hour of “Today” next fall, and declines multimillion multiyear deal at NBC News

After announcement that Megyn Kelly will push Today Show’s hour, Tamron Hall decides to leave Today Show, declining multimillion deal that was offered to her.

Hall, 46, is leaving both NBC and MSNBC, where she hosted her own show, after learning she would lose her job hosting the third hour of “Today.”

Hall was offered a multimillion deal to stay on “Today” and continue hosting her show on cable — but turned the deal down, insiders said to New York Daily News.

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Tamron Hall is an excellent woman and great example of how you should not make a deal with racists who prefer low-quality white girl to a professional black woman. We will support Hall’s decision and she will have more than a multimillion deal – she will have trust of people who will follow her whenever she chooses.

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