Anna and Ida Eskamani: Iranian-American Sisters Against Violence and Inequality

Anna Eskamani and Ida Eskamani are Iranian-American sisters who advocate for non-violence and equality.

Inequality and violence is something that bothers not only the Black community but all the minorities. We believe that all the minorities should unite against violence and the abjection of human rights. Anna Eskamani is an equality and non-violence activist currently working with Planned Parenthood, a non-profit organization that provides reproductive health services in the U.S. and around the world. Ida Eskamani is also an equality advocate working with Equality Florida, an LGBTQ organization. They took part in peaceful protests against violence and inequality on July 11, 2016 that was organized as a result of the tragic shooting in Pulse, Orlando, Florida. During these protests, 10 people, who later became known as the Orlando 10 were arrested. The sisters talk to us today about the protests, their inspiration and their plans for future advocacy.

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