Idaho School Officials Deny Knowing About Racial Assaults

Dietrich School District and officials deny knowing about racial abuse and assault of disabled black teen.

Jun. 11,2016


Idaho school administrators say they were not aware of racial discrimination and abuse against black teen by his white school mates.

A $10 million lawsuit was filed against Idaho school officials for failing to pay attention to racism and physical abuse in school after three white students sexually assaulted black teen in a locker room. Two of the teens, Tanner Ward, 17, John R.K. Howard, 18 were expelled from school and charged with sexual assaults last November.

The teens had been molesting and calling the victim racial slurs for a long time in school and during football camps, but the school officials reasserted in a court document “that they neither knew nor had reason to know of any alleged harassment or bullying, etc., of plaintiff.” According to the lawsuit, white students also used N-word and forced black boy to sing Ku Klux Klan song.

But how could the school administration not have known about bullying and racial assaults?

Probably, they did know, but just didn’t pay any attention because they don’t care about black students in the school. Such terrific incident could have been prevented if they didn’t close their eyes to it.

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Idaho School Officials Deny Knowing About Racial Assaults
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