Black Woman Sues White Cop For Raping Her In front Of Her Son

Black woman, Maleatra Montanez, has filed a $7M lawsuit against Syracuse Cop, Chester Thompson, for forcing her into having sex over a year ago.

It was on Valentine’s Day 2015 when Montanez called to report her missing daughter. In a twinkle of an eye, a Syracuse police officer, Chester Thompson, showed up at her house.

According to the 40-year-old Black mother, the officer started “complimenting” her, saying, she looked “pretty”, just after she opened the door. And so, he began commenting on what her butt was like and said, her lips “looked like it could hold…a penis.”

In the sworn deposition Montanez filed, she wrote that after Thompson rubbed his dick for a while, he removed his pants and demanded a blow job. “All I know is I said, ‘Whoa!’I noticed on his penis…he had a mark on his testicle and he had a mark on his penis…like a mole or a sore or something,” she wrote.

The mother of four children pleaded through tears with Thompson, saying, “we don’t have to do this,” but he insisted. He had a gun so he forced her to face her son while she was raped from behind.

A day after the incident, Montanez went to hospital for checkups and reported the incident to police, who later suspended Thompson.

According to reports, Thompson was charged and convicted of official misconduct, a misdemeanor, and sentenced to three years’ probation. Somehow, he was able to escape his jail term.

Montanez’s sued Thompson over the week and other heads of Syracuse Police Department because they reportedly knew the officer had a past history of sexual misconduct and he was still in the force abusing poor innocent women and children. People like him should be isolated from the society as they pose a threat to those they are supposed to protect.

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