15-Year-Old Black Teen Gets A Perfect Score On The ACT

A black genius of the season, Dwight Moore, at the age of 15 got maximum possible score on the American College Testing (ACT).

The Christian Brothers High School sophomore, Dwight Moore, said he was surprised at first when he got the test results and thought the score was a mistake.

I sat there in shock for a second. There is no way this is right. It didn’t have the writing score, so I thought this was just a placeholder for later. So I am not getting my hopes up when the writing score came out too, I actually got a 36,” Moore explained to Local Memphis News.

According to the 2015 ACT results statistics, less than one percent of 1.9 million candidates got 36 out of 36.

Moore said that getting a perfect score depends on hard work.

 CBHS principal Chris Fay congratulated Moore for making a name for himself and the school. “Please join me in congratulating sophomore Dwight Moore for his perfect composite score of 36 on the ACT,” he said. “Dwight is an incredibly polite and humble young man, who is respected by both his peers and teachers. He is a model student at CBHS.” 

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