The Awful History Of The Term ‘Super Predator’- CNN Commentator Explains

A video shows how a CNN commentator puts Hillary Clinton’s awful history of the term ‘Super Predators’ in a summery.

According to Atlanta Star, political commentator, Angela Rye, in an interview with CNN, scolds presidential aspirant, Hillary Clinton for the use of her favorite phrase, “super predator” during her first-ladyship in the 1990s.

According to Rye, even though Clinton apologized for using the term, however, the apology seems a  “little disingenuous when her lead surrogate Bill Clinton was on the trail last week defending not only the term, but the [1994] crime bill.”

Apparently, this bill resulted in a mass incarceration of black people. Today dozens of black people are in jail because of this bill passed by the Clintons. It is easily predictable that another Clinton will make situation in justice system only worse when elected as president.

Take a look at the video below and how Ryes perfectly sums up the awful history of Hillary Clinton’s term.

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