Black Kids Shut Down Rahm Emmanuel

Watch Black kids from Chicago yelling protest chants at Mayor Rahm Emanuel, referencing the 2014 shooting death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.

“Hey hey, ho ho, Rahm Emanuel’s got to go,” Black kids are heard chanting as they stand on the train platform… They want to know what has changed in Chicago for the time that has passed since the tragic death of Laquan McDonald, who was brutally killed by Chicago Police Officer Jason van Dyke (who shot 16 bullets into the body of the man lying flat on the ground).


“16 shots and a cover up!” the Black kids also chanted referencing the fact that Emmanuel preferred to withhold the most damning footage of the shooting (not the one released by police) as he cared for his chances for re-election more than for a human life.em2


Black people, does this man still have your votes?

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