Hillary Clinton: A Candidate For the Corporate Elite

“She is the candidate of multinational corporations, which are perfectly confident she is lying about her stance on TPP and other trade deals.”

The Democrat’s presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton seems to be running what is known as the “duopoly” system. She is rallying the support of the financially influential people in the United States to form her strong support base. Some of these power cooperate elite belong to the Republican Party.

She is the candidate of the “bipartisan” moneyed class. Clinton has succeeded in mobilizing some big names in the U.S. Some of which includes the 7th richest man in the country, Michael Bloomberg among others in that class. They all form part of Clinton’s “bipartisan cadre of billionaires.”

The main problem with Hillary Clinton’s tactics is the destruction it is going to cause to the marginalized Black people and some poor countries in the world. These bipartisan billionaires don’t seem to be committed and loyal to their country and party. All they are concerned about the elite class of which they belong.

The Democrat’s Presidential candidate seems to be deceiving the masses just to be put in office so she could carry out her prearranged plans. For instance, she has said on a number of occasions that she is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership corporate trade deal but a close analysis proves that her party believes in the direct opposite.

Hillary is the candidate of the corporate elite. As we see, many republicans will vote for her and this is not a plus in the eyes of democratic voters like Black people and other minorities feel really uncomfortable standing under one tent with people who support white nationalism. And because they have very little amount of money, they stand at the corner of this tent. In conclusion, we call Black people to consider whom they really want to vote for.

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