Black Family’s $3.5M Mansion Firebombed In California

Manhattan Beach Fire Department is investigating an arson attack on black family that could be regarded as a hate crime.

A wealthy African-American family of five was targeted by an arsonist on 11th Street in Manhattan. Their $3.5 million mansion was blasted with a burning tire that cause over $200,000 damage.

One of the victims, Ron Clinton, explained that someone used a car tire and accelerants to bomb their house while they were sleeping. They were lucky to escape without injuries.

Since Ron and his family are the only rich black people living in that area, they believe that the attack was a hate crime. Ron reported that there have been incidents where a drug paraphernalia and trashes were placed near their front door months ago.

Manhattan Beach Police Department refused to investigate the incident; instead, they handed the investigation to the Fire Department. The Fire Department however told News Report that they are investigating the incident as a potential arson.

Ron said they had no beef with anybody, but it seems that white supremacists just hate Blacks who have made it in life. To them, it sounds impossible to be Black and rich. Any positive thing about Black people provokes them, but the police, as usual, prefer not to act until it’s too late.

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