VT Officially Recognizes Police Discrimination Against Blacks

Vermont confirms that black drivers are more likely to be pulled over and searched than white ones.

Data collected by the Vermont State Police show the significant difference in a number of black and white motorists pulled over during routine traffic stops.

Police officers continue to stop and frisk cars of black drivers at disproportionally higher rates than white drivers. At the same time, it was revealed that Blacks are 11,5 percent less likely to be found with contraband, compared to Whites. Add to this, black motorists are twice as likely as whites to be ticketed for minor violations.

One can be suspected of keeping drugs or firearms just for being black. Every time police stop another African-American on roads they hope to have him arrested by the end of the encounter.

Sadly, it’s a reality we, black people, have to deal with every day. We can’t go anywhere without being bothered. We become victims of zero tolerance and racial profiling, which affect our lives everywhere, not only on roads.

According to statistics, this problem extends throughout the states where the situation seems even worse than in Vermont. Hopefully, the fact that authorities admitted to targeting black communities might be the first step towards future improvements.

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